frame 室内设计杂志 2015年合集(已更新到7、8月)
- 所属栏目:Frame
- 运行格式:PDF
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- 语言编码:GBK
- 杂志售价:10金币
《FRAME》是全球顶尖的以室内设计、空间设计为主,横跨产品设计、家居设计、材料设计、时尚设计等多种设计领域的综合设计媒介。作为服务于全球顶级室 内设计师、空间设计师、创意工作者从事创新工作时的进行决策和判断的依据,《FRAME》在每一期的内容创作上力图呈现对未来空间设计走向和创新走向最具 启发性、探索性的设计案例、思想和工作方法。
Frame is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the design of interiors and products. It offers a stunning, global selection of shops, hospitality venues, workplaces, exhibitions and residences on more than 224 pages. Well-written articles accompanied by a wealth of high-quality photographs, sketches and drawings make the magazine an indispensable source of inspiration for designers as well as for all those involved in other creative disciplines.