加拿大Canadian Architect 建筑杂志 2014年合集(全12本)
- 所属栏目:Canadian Architect
- 运行格式:PDF
- 下载权限:注册会员
- 访问密码:u4m2
- 语言编码:GBK
- 杂志售价:10金币
Canadian Architect is a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada. Canada’s only monthly design publication, Canadian Architect has been in continuous publication since 1955. This national review of design and practice documents significant architecture and design from across the country and features articles on current practice, building technology, and social issues affecting architecture. Canadian Architect has been honoured with numerous awards and nominations in the Canadian Business Press annual Kenneth R. Wilson Awards and has also been recognized in Canada’s National Magazine Awards.
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- 下一篇:加拿大Canadian Architect 建筑杂志 2015年6月