美国版单车杂志 BICYCLING 自行车骑行 2015全年合集
- 所属栏目:其他
- 运行格式:PDF
- 下载权限:注册会员
- 访问密码:5cwe
- 语言编码:GBK
- 杂志售价:10金币
Although we are nearing the end of the year , and racing season, there was a race weekend in Puli. Saturday consisted of a circuit race and Sunday was a team time trial. The course was a pretty simple affair; it was a rectangle consisting of two 2 km stretches mixed in with two 500 meter long sides. The front side was nicely paved and super wide. The back, however, was home to a cement factory so the road was broken and filled with potholes (more on that later). Luckily for us, the rain that had plagued us during the week let up and we were treated to two nice days of sunshine.
Since the races were both only 42 km, we knew that there would be action from the gun. Bad luck infected Rick and he suffered a puncture on the neutral lap, before the race began. Since there was no support and he was too far away from the pits, he had to withdraw from the race. We still had Ray and Jay, but they are less powerful on the flats than Rick, so he was certainly missed.